Naoya Shibata, Dr. Eng.
Director, Professor
Institute of Engineering Innovation, School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo
The University of Tokyo, Ph.D. in Engineering 2003
The University of Tokyo, M.S. in Engineering 2000
The University of Tokyo, B.S. in Engineering 1997
Professional Positions
2019-present, Director, The University of Tokyo
2017-present, Professor, The University of Tokyo
2011-2017 Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo
2007-2011 Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo
2004-2007 Research Associate, The University of Tokyo
2003-2004 Visiting Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2003-2004 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow for Research Abroad
2000-2003 JSPS Research Fellow
Research Fields
Scanning transmission electron microscopy
Interface physics
Materials science and engineering
Ceramics and metals
Professional Memberships
The Japan Institute of Metals
The Japanese Microscopy Society
Microscopy Society of America
The Ceramic Society of Japan
The American Ceramic Society
Materials Research Society
The 113th Japan Academy Prize (2023)
The 39th Inoue Prize for Science (2023)
73th CerSJ Awards for academic achievements in ceramic science and technology (2019)
JSPS Prize, Japan Science and Promotion of Science (2019)
Richard M. Fulrath Award, The American Ceramics Society (2018)
The 5th Nagase Award, Frontier Salon Foundation (2015)
The 60th Seto Award, Japanese Society of Microscopy (2015)
The 73rd The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials Meritorious Award (2015)
The 15th Sir Martin Wood Award (2013)
The 6th Kazato Prize (2013)
The Commendation for Science and Technology The Young Scientists' Prize, The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in Japan (2012)
The 10th Incentive Award, Japanese Society of Microscopy (2009)
Honda Memorial Young Researcher Award, Honda Memorial Foundation (2009)
The Incentive Award, The Japan Institute of Metals (2004)
Selected Papers
S. Toyama et al., "Nanoscale electromagnetic field imaging by advanced differential phase-contrast STEM," Nature Rev. Electr. Eng. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44287-024-00117-7
S. Toyama et al., “Direct observation of space-charge-induced electric fields at oxide grain boundaries,"Nature Comm. 15, 8704 (2024).
T. Seki et al., "Incommensurate grain-boundary atomic structure,"Nature Comm. 14, 7806 (2023).
K. Ooe et al., "Direct imaging of local atomic structures in zeolite using novel low-dose scanning transmission electron microscopy,” Sci. Adv., 9, eadf6865 (2023).
S. Toyama et al., “Real-space observation of a two-dimensional electron gas at semiconductor heterointerfaces,” Nature Nanotech., 18, 521-528 (2023).
Y. Kohno, T. Seki, S.D. Findlay, Y. Ikuhara and N. Shibata, “Real-space visualization of intrinsic magnetic field of an antiferromagnet,” Nature 602, 234-239 (2022).
N. Shibata et al., “Atomic resolution electron microscopy in a magnetic field free environment,” Nature Comm., 10, 2380 (2019).
N. Shibata et al., “Direct Visualization of Local Electromagnetic Field Structures by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy,” Acc. Chem. Res., 50, 1502-1512 (2017).
N. Shibata et al., “Electric field imaging of single atoms,” Nature Comm. 8, 15631 (2017).
N. Shibata et al., "Differential phase-contrast microscopy at atomic resolution," Nature Physics, 8,611-615 (2012).
N. Shibata et al., "Atomic-scale imaging of individual dopant atoms in a buried interface," Nature Materials, 8, 654-658 (2009).
N. Shibata et al., "Interface structures of gold nanoparticles on TiO2 (110)," Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 136015 (2009).
N. Shibata et al., "Direct imaging of reconstructed atoms on TiO2 (110) surfaces," Science, 322, 570-573 (2008).
N. Shibata et al., "Non-stoichiometric dislocation cores in α-alumina," Science, 316, 82-85 (2007).
N. Shibata et al., "Observation of rare-earth segregation in silicon nitride ceramics at subnanometre dimensions," Nature, 428 730-733 (2004).
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